July 8, 2021
This blog article is being regularly updated with phased enforcement announcements. It was originally published on May 12, 2021, and it was last updated on July 8, 2021.
July 8, 2021, Update: On July 5, 2021, the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) released a statement assuring the industry that they are diligently working through the certification process with leading ELD vendors, including Omnitracs. The CTA and Omnitracs remain confident that vendor devices will emerge with full certifications. You can read the full statement here.
On May 5, 2021, the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) released an update regarding the Canadian Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Mandate coming into effect on June 12, 2021. Those regulations can be found here.
Two months following the Canadian Minister of Transport’s announcement on phased enforcement, the CCMTA has declared they have developed an approach for jurisdictions to consider when adopting an enforcement strategy for the Canadian ELD Mandate. Jurisdictions plan to support the mandate through a period of progressive enforcement that will not include penalties and will only consist of education and awareness. In their message, the CCMTA stated jurisdictions should consider the education and awareness component through June 12, 2022.
While I am optimistic about today’s announcement, we must remain mindful that each province and territory will still develop its own strategy that will outline when we move from education and awareness and possibly into warnings notated on carrier profiles.
As of June 11, 2021, Ontario, Alberta, and Newfoundland and Labrador are the most recent provinces to indicate they are in full support of the CCMTA’s enforcement strategy and are committed to a period of education and awareness without penalties until June 12, 2022. Yukon is the first territory to announce its commitment to the mandate and its plan to support it through a period of progressive enforcement without penalties.
The following provinces have also indicated, at least in part, that their enforcement timelines are aligned with the CCMTA recommendation:
Saskatchewan also supports the phased education and awareness approach. The province will not require ELDs until they are commercially available and is simultaneously committed to a consistent approach across Canada. British Columbia announced the province is in the process of determining its official ELD implementation timeline, but its current tentative effective timeframe is summer 2022. Exact timelines for the implementation of ELDs in B.C. will be determined based on extenuating factors, including the availability of certified ELDs and whether or not the public health emergency has passed. I am hopeful more provinces and territories will be ready to come forward with their strategies.
The CCMTA also emphasized their support and enthusiasm for the mandate and the provided advantages in streamlining the electronic recording of Hours of Service (HOS) logs and associated compliance. An extended enforcement timeline ensures industry professionals have appropriate time to purchase, install, and train their teams on the compliance front.
As I have stated, carriers should be proactive in selecting and securing ELDs for Canadian compliance. As specified in the Canadian ELD Mandate, ELDs must be certified by an accredited third party. Meaning, the ELD device you are using currently in the U.S. must receive this certification before it qualifies for use in Canada. As of early May 2021, there is only one accredited certifying body and zero certified ELD devices. Committing to an ELD provider of your choice as soon as possible is imperative and will help you and your teams accommodate training and implementation. As a trusted provider, Omnitracs is working diligently to obtain the required third-party certification for our ELDs and continue providing customers with resources and exceptional service. We have already undertaken the certification process with FPInnovations, and I will notify you as soon as the certification is completed.
Speak to a dedicated specialist or your Omnitracs Account Manager about our ELDs today! You can also remain informed on everything related to the Canadian ELD Mandate by visiting our EverythingELD page — our hub for FAQs, resources, and pertinent information around the Canadian ELD Mandate.
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